is a fictional character in the ''Bleach'' manga series and its adaptations created by Tite Kubo. The protagonist of the series, Ichigo receives Soul Reaper powers as a result of a run-in with Rukia Kuchiki, the Soul Reaper assigned to patrol his city, the fictional Karakura Town. These powers come at the cost of Rukia's own, and as a result, Ichigo concedes to work as Rukia's stand-in, fighting to protect people from evil spirits called Hollows and sending good spirits, wholes, to Soul Society. In addition to the manga series, Ichigo appears in many other pieces of ''Bleach'' media, including the anime series, the four featured films, the two original video animations, rock musicals, several video games and light novels. Kubo said that Ichigo's character was created to replace Rukia as the protagonist of the series because he felt she wasn't suited for the role.〔 His character has been well received among both readers and reviewers.〔 Ichigo is often featured in ''Weekly Shōnen Jump'' character popularity polls.〔 He was consistently ranked as one of the most popular characters in ''Bleach''.〔 The 2007 Japanese ''Newtype'' magazine polls ranked Ichigo as one of the top 100 most-loved anime characters.〔 Reviewers of the series have praised his personality, though some consider him to be a stereotypical anti-hero. Merchandise based on Ichigo's likeness has been released, including toys, clothing, and action figures.〔〔 In the animated adaptations of ''Bleach'', Ichigo is voiced by Masakazu Morita in Japanese. In the English adaptations, he is voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch. ==Creation and conception== When drawing the manga series, Kubo commented that Rukia Kuchiki, the first ''Bleach'' character he introduced, was originally intended to be the protagonist. Through subsequent development of the series, however, Kubo decided to make her a valued ally and instead introduced Ichigo as the central character. Initial design sketches show Ichigo wearing glasses, and having dark hair and softer eyes. When designing Rukia, however, Kubo modified Ichigo's appearance to contrast with hers, giving Ichigo orange hair, a trademark scowl, and removing the glasses. During the series' first chapter, Ichigo's wristwatch was based on one Kubo himself wore at the time. In later chapters, his wristwatch was based on Naoto Fukasawa's W11K cellphone. According to Kubo, Ichigo, along with Orihime Inoue, are the most arduous characters to sketch.〔Weekly Shōnen Jump interview, year 2004, issue 42〕 While illustrating one of Ichigo's scenes, Kubo found it awkward to draw him with a cheerful smile. Kubo has stated that Ichigo's greatest strength is his considerate and thoughtful nature; he always thinks about other's needs. However, he also noted it as his greatest weakness, since worrying about his friends tends to put him in danger. When asked in an interview if he had any plans to focus on the love triangle between Ichigo, Orihime, and Rukia, Kubo chose neither to confirm nor deny it as he didn't want to focus on romance. Kubo likens Ichigo's popularity among readers because he "looks cool". He also mentioned that as people read more about him they will discover that he is a warm and kind-hearted person. Following over fifty volumes of the manga's released, Kubo believes that Ichigo was the most developed character. He said that Ichigo leads the story and introduces readers to the events in it. When the Arrancar arc ended, Kubo rebooted the series which resulted in Ichigo losing his Soul Reaper powers. In the same way Ichigo became a Soul Reaper during the series' first chapter; he starts searching for methods to recover his original powers. Ichigo is voiced by Masakazu Morita in the Japanese anime, while as a child he is voiced by Yuki Matsuoka.〔 Johnny Yong Bosch voices him in the English dub as a teenager, and Mona Marshall as an adolescent.〔 While describing Ichigo as one of his best roles, Morita notes that voicing him can be at times difficult. Bosch has enjoyed voicing Ichigo's character due to his personal interest in the character's morals. However, he experienced difficulty voicing him in some scenes where Ichigo shouts for a long time. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Ichigo Kurosaki」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク